Pursuant to Art. 10. st. 1.-3. of the Act on Consumer Protection (Official Gazette 41/14), we inform users that a written complaint with which they present their
Dissatisfaction in relation to the purchased product or the service provided can be sent by post to the address:
SLAGALICA organizanje d.o.o.
M.S. Bolšića 15
10 010 Zagreb
or send via e-mail to: tamara@slagalicaorganiziranje.hr
Pursuant to Art. 10, paragraph 5 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette 41/14), we will respond to your written complaint with a written response
no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of your complaint.
In the written complaint, please write your first and last name, and the address for delivery of the answer.
For any additional questions, we are at your disposal at: 091/5199-385
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